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“A flight from a bird in the sky, a moment

After he passed, there is no trail. ”

Ailton Krenak

Unlike birds, which leave no traces for their ways, we humans leave footprints wherever we pass, regardless of place and activity. That is why more than sustainable tourism, we believe in practices aimed at mitigating human action and regeneration of places and environments, acting with respect and in tune with the destinations and people living in them. We list here some measures adopted inside and outside our travel routines, in tune with our purpose.

1. Lower impact policy, focused on harm reduction.

2. Reduced groups, in order to impact the attractions as little as possible.

3. Appreciation of local culture and cooking.

4. Roadmaps that prioritize the exchange of experiences with communities, contributing to their strengthening in tourism and economic development.

5. Tours and experiences with native professionals.

6. Participation in local advice and initiatives.

7. Team with a look at the singularities of each destination, especially the contexts of fauna, flora, culture, history and local communities.

8. Roadmaps that diversify attractions and places of activity, presenting the destinations beyond natural beauty.

9. Creation of Colors Magazine, with good visitation practices in the destinations

10. Replanting of native species in degraded areas.

11. Participation of cleaning efforts in green areas and rivers.

12. Realization and collaboration in community -oriented events such as the I Quilombo Fartura Bakery Workshop in the Quilombola Prata community and playful events for children.

13. Collection and donation of paradidmat books to the Rural Library of São Félix do Tocantins.

14. Partners aligned with agency values, committed to respect for the well-being and health of communities, especially in times of pandemic

15. Like Glasgow Declaration Signatories on tourism climate action, we support the commitment to halve carbon emissions by 2030 and zero by 2050, through developing climate action plan, with progress that will be published annually .

16. Patrol of events that encourage improvements to the environment and sports, such as Cerrado Enduro Cup 2022 and 2023

Sustainability Plan Page

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